
pokemon G.S.C

Pokemon Gold and Silver Crystal game guide How to progress from Route 42 to Gym Leader Pryce.


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥6,282 (2024/10/20 14:03:04時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)

42 Route

In 42 Route, there's only the "Suicune Event" and the "Mt. Mortar Ca ve." Near the waterfall on the first floor of Mt. Mortar Ca ve, you can encounter the rare Pokémon Marill.

Is Marill really that rare in Gold and Silver?

Yes, indeed. Its appearance rate is just 1%.

It's so rare that you might not encounter it even after 100 tries.

Although its rarity decreases in later Pokémon series, back then, players were enchanted by its beautiful cry and would spend dozens of hours exploring Mt. Mortar.

Of course, there was no Global Trade Station (GTS) back then.

When you proceed east on Route 42, a new town appears.

In this new town, Gym Leader Pryce appears, specializing in Ice-type Pokémon.

As you cannot challenge the Gym yet, finish the Gyarados event in the Lake of Ra ge.

Route 43

Heading through the northern gate leads you to Route 43.

In its depths awaits a shiny Gyarados.

Lake of Ra ge

A shiny Gyarados appears only once during the story.

The chance of encountering a second one is extremely rare, at 1 in 8192.

Catch the shiny Gyarados.

The shiny Gyarados is a fixed encounter at the Lake of Ra ge.

It's essential to catch it because you might regret it later if you don't.

Especially male Gyarados can be useful for breeding shiny Pokémon, so it's preferable to catch a male one for future breeding endea vors.

Lake of Ra ge 2

After obtaining Gyarados, you'll encounter Lance.

After talking with Lance, return to the previous town and head to the Team Rocket Hideout.

Team Rocket Hideout

You can enter it from the souvenir shop in the town.

When you try to pass through the Persian statue underground, Team Rocket will appear.

There's a staircase leading downstairs to the southwest, so proceed that way.

Team Rocket Hideout B1

Head downstairs to B1, and if you go east, you'll find a staircase leading to B2.

Team Rocket Hideout B2

Proceed to B2, and to the east, you'll find a staircase leading to B3.

Team Rocket Hideout B3

On B3, you can obtain the method to open the boss's door from Team Rocket. However, you won't get it unless you defeat Team Rocket.

The first one is an NPC located in a map surrounded by a square just after going down the stairs.

The second is an NPC in the map rectangle to the southwest.

After winning the battle, you cannot go to the boss's room unless you ha ve a conversation with him.

Team Rocket Hideout B3: 2

After obtaining the second clue

Proceed north to the second staircase on B3 and go up to B2.

On B3, you can obtain information from Murkrow to open the boss's door. Additionally, you can obtain TM46 nearby from the second staircase.

Team Rocket Hideout B1F: Part 2

Next, return to B1F to stop the power generator located there.

To shut down the power generator and stop Electrode, you'll need to engage in battle.

Let's catch Electrode.

Magnemite boasts top-tier speed among all Pokémon and excels in status-changing moves.

Primarily used as a Flash user, Electrode proves to be an excellent asset even without leveling up much.

After defeating Electrode, Lance gives you HM06 "Whirlpool".

It's particularly useful in Pokémon Silver for obtaining Lugia, so teach it to a Water-type Pokémon.

From the Team Rocket Hideout to the Gym Battle:

Gym Leader Pryce specializes in Ice-type Pokémon.

Beyond just battling, the gym's puzzles will also challenge the player.

Getting to Pryce in the Gym:

To reach Pryce in the gym, go st raight up after entering and then follow the path ↑→↓←←↑→↓←↑→.

Once near Pryce, engage in battle.

VS. Gym Leader Pryce

Pryce's Team

Seel Lv27
Dewgong Lv29
Piloswine Lv31

Strategy Against Gym Leader Pryce:

It's crucial to a void letting Pryce use "Icy Wind" as much as possible.

If your Speed is lowered, you'll be susceptible to being worn down by "Headbutt."

Now is the time to use the recently captured Electrode. Use it to chip away at the HP of Seel and Dewgong.

After defeating Pryce, the final Pokémon, Piloswine, has high HP and tends to use inaccurate moves like "Blizzard" or "Fury Attack."

Using Flash once beforehand can make it harder for Piloswine to land its moves.

Continuing to Goldenrod City。



created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥6,282 (2024/10/20 14:03:04時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥6,282 (2024/10/20 14:37:11時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥1,650 (2024/10/20 14:37:12時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)





-pokemon G.S.C