
monster hunter

Monster Hunter Stories guide【From the Birth of Rathalos to the Room of Trial】


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)

Try setting up in Monster Hunter Stories

In Monster Hunter Stories, you can customize settings like volume from the very beginning.

After selecting Start

The adventure begins from the story's beginning and the Secret Path.

Head north from the Secret Path and create a character together.

Items you can collect along the way

  • Paintberry
  • Monster Bone
  • Honey

After creating your character,

A Rathalos hatches from an egg and becomes attached to the protagonist.

After bringing the Rathalos back to Hakum Village, head to the place marked with a red... mark.

Let's Go Meet Chief Omna

After finishing the conversation, head to the north side of Hakum Village to meet Chief Omna.

After the conversation, an event will begin, marking the start of an adventure to uncover the mystery of the Nargacuga afflicted by the black frenzy.

Talk to the Responsible Girl

After talking to the Responsible Girl, talk to Lilia to trigger an event.

Next, take the rider's test in Hakum Village.

Enter the Hall of Rides

In the Hall of Rides, you can take the test to become a rider.

After talking about the Rite of Kinship, a Mysterious Felyne will appear during the egg event.

The true identity of the Mysterious Felyne is Na virou

As you progress through the event with the Mysterious Felyne, it will reveal itself as Na virou in front of the protagonist.

Hatch the Egg

After the event, if you hatch the egg, a Velocidrome will be born.

Unlike the previous 3DS version, there is no touch function for the egg, so pressing the A button will randomly increase ATK, DEF, and HP.

After hatching the Velocidrome

Head to Mt. Pondry Ca ve from the Village Gate.

You can sa ve your journey's progress by using the bed in Your House.

After Exiting the Village Gate

You'll encounter your first battle with an Aptonoth, which uses Power Attacks.

Use Speed Attacks to win the battle.

After Defeating the Aptonoth

Continue through Pondry Hills, collecting useful materials for your adventure.

Next Opponent Velociprey

After defeating the Aptonoth and reaching the next destination, you'll encounter a Velociprey.

Since it uses Speed Attacks, try using Technical Attacks.

Entering the Pondry Hills Ca ve

You will arrive at Mt. Pondry Ca ves, where an event will begin with a nearby Poogie.

Later on, make sure to talk to Poogie whenever you find it. It will surely be helpful.

Konchu (yellow)

Type: Technical

Weakness: Power

Arriving at the Room of Trials

After arriving at the Room of Trials, talk to Poogie before heading to your destination.

Next, head towards the waterfall to trigger an event.

VS. Nargacuga Dark

When you try to lea ve the Room of Trials, you'll enter a battle with Nargacuga Dark.

It uses Speed Attacks, so you should use Technical Attacks.



created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)





-monster hunter