
Dragon Quest

Dragon Quest 3 Remake Guide/Acquisition method and how to use Staff of Rain of "Orichalcum" in kol. It is also process until the Zoma subjugation


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥6,282 (2025/02/02 15:17:43時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)

Next story

At the shrine south of Cantlin, obtain the "Staff of Rain."

Monsters Near Cantlin


Hocus Chimaera


Ursa Mega


Next story

Tra vel to Kol, located in the northwest region of Alefgard.
In Kol, you can sell Orichalcum at the item shop to purchase the "Sword of Kings."

Ramake version

Jipang/Forging Hammer

Cantlin/broken blade

Forging Hammer+broken blade+Orichalcum=kol shop(Sword of Kings)

fearie flute obtain

You can also obtain the "faerie flute" here, which is essential for triggering events at Tower of Rubiss.

Equipment Shop in Kol

Sage’s Staff: 22,600G

War Hammer: 12,100G

Zombiesbane: 12,800G

Dragontail Whip: 6,200G

Mirror Shield: 26,000G

Silver Shield: 13,700G

Kol itemshop (Sword of Kings get)

Falcon Blade: 38,500G

Sandstorm Spear: 13,700G

Dragon Dojo Duds: 31,500G

Flowing Dress: 26,000G

Spiked Armour: 11,500G

Slime Earrings: 950G

Strong Medicine: 48G

Medicinal Herb: 8G

Moonwort Bulb: 30G

Dazzle-Me-Not: 120G

Inn in Kol

60G per night

Monsters Near Kol


Flying Flayer


Muddy Hand

Ursa Mega

Next story

Tra vel to the northwest island from Kol to reach Tower of Rubiss.

At the top of Tower of Rubiss, use the "Fairy Flute" to obtain the "Sacred Amulet."

Monsters Near Tower of Rubiss


Liquid Metal Slime

Hocus Chimaera

Flying Flayer



Muddy Hand

Remake boss

Soul of Baramos


Tower of Rubiss map

Next story

Head south from Kol to reach Rimuldar.

Equipment Shop in Rimuldar

Bastard Sword: 31,000G

Scourge Whip: 14,800G

Silver Shield: 13,700G

Dragon Shield: 6,200G

Great Helm: 26,000G

Mythril Helm: 11,000G

Flame Armour: 34,300G

Dragon Mail: 13,800G

Inn in Rimuldar

80G per night

Next story

At the cape northwest of Rimuldar, use the "Rainbow Drop" to reach Zoma Castle.

Monsters Near Rimuldar



Gold Golem


Ursa Mega


Liquid Metal Slime

Muddy Hand

Next story

Once you ha ve the "Staff of Rain," "Sunstone," and "Sacred Amulet", tra vel by ship to the small island south of Rimuldar.

Go. Zoma Castle

Inside the shrine on the island, speak to the inhabitant to obtain the "Rainbow Drop."
Use it at the northwest location near Rimuldar to access Zoma Castle.

Defeat Zoma in the depths of the castle.
Don’t forget to collect the "Sage’s Stone" located within the castle.

Battle Progression and Tips

The sequence of battles is King Hydra →Soul of Baramos → Bones of Baramos → Zoma, so it’s wise to use the Prayer Rings sparingly to a void breaking them.

During the battle with Zoma, you must use the Sphere of Light in the first turn. Without it, Zoma becomes an incredibly formidable opponent.

Zoma's regular attacks and Disruptive Wa ve are more troublesome than Blizzard or Freezing Breath. Equip defensive gear like the Shimmering Dress, Water Robe, or Dragon Shield for better protection.

After defeating Zoma, exit the castle and return to Tantegel using Zoom or a Chimera Wing to view the ending.

Monsters in Zoma's Citadel

Great Troll

Soaring Scourger




Dragon Zombie

One-Man Army

Liquid Metal Slime

Ramake boss

Stone Guardian×2

Battle×3 play

Ramake boss

Dragon Zombie

Soaring Scourger×2



Zoma's Citadel map

Congratulations on clearing!


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥6,282 (2025/02/02 15:17:43時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥5,880 (2025/02/02 15:52:25時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥1,650 (2025/02/02 15:52:26時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)





-Dragon Quest