
pokemon G.S.C

Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal game guide Progression from Cerulean City to Fuchsia City


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)

Cerulean City +1

Upon arrival in Cerulean City, the Gym appears to be unattended.

For now, head to the "Kanto Power Plant" located on Route 9.

Route 9

Heading east from Cerulean City leads you to Route 9.

This route is populated with many trainers, making it an ideal place for leveling up.

Route 10

Using Surf on Route 9, head south towards the "Kanto Power Plant."

Kanto Power Plant

Unlike in the previous games where Zapdos appeared, it doesn't show up in this one.

Upon reaching the "Kanto Power Plant," make sure to interact with people there.

After meeting certain conditions, an event will trigger, and Team Rocket will appear in Cerulean City.

Cerulean City +2

After completing the event at the "Kanto Power Plant,"

Team Rocket will show up in Cerulean City.

You'll need to chase Team Rocket to Route 24.

Route 24

Team Rocket appears on Route 24, and defeating them in battle

will allow you to find the "Machine Part" inside Cerulean City's Gym.

Events After the Kanto Power Plant

After dealing with the events at the Kanto Power Plant,

you'll encounter the Gym Leader near the cape after battling some trainers,

so it's a good idea to talk to them.

Kanto Power Plant +1

Return to the Kanto Power Plant,

deliver the "Machine Part," and receive TM07 as a reward.

Usage of Zap Cannon

Zap Cannon boasts high power and a chance of inducing paralysis,

making it an excellent move despite its lower accuracy.

It's best taught to Electric-type Pokémon like Zapdos or Raikou whenever possible.

Cerulean City +3

In Cerulean City, you can battle the Gym Leader.

The Gym Leader specializes in Water-type Pokémon.

Let's exploit their weakness with Grass-type Pokémon.

VS. Gym Leader

Gym Leader's Pokémon Team

★ Golduck Level 42

★ Quagsire Level 42

★ Lapras Level 44

★ Starmie Level 47

Strategy Against the Gym Leader

Except for Quagsire, Electric-type moves are super effective against the other three Pokémon.

Therefore, it's best to defeat the other three Pokémon with Electric-type moves.

Since Quagsire is immune to Electric-type moves, Grass-type moves are four times effective against it.

Let's exploit Quagsire's weakness with Grass-type moves.

Saffron City +1

After defeating the Gym Leader, head west through the gate to Route 7

and make your way to Celadon City.

Celadon City +1

Upon arrival in Celadon City, take some time to explore the city.

Visit the Celadon Department Store to obtain some TM moves.

You can purchase TM moves at the Celadon Department Store.

"Hidden Power" and "Protect" are a vailable for purchase here, so be sure to get them.

Also, don't forget to check out the Celadon Game Corner.

The Celadon Game Corner offers enticing Pokémon for acquisition.

These include:

Mr. Mime, which learns Baton Pass

Eevee, capable of evolving into multiple forms

Porygon, which evolves through trading

While all of these Pokémon are worth obtaining, Mr. Mime and Porygon are particularly essential.

"Leftovers," which is useful in battles.

In the dining hall located to the south of the game corner, you can find "Leftovers."

When given to Pokémon that can learn Toxic, Double Team, or Leech Seed,

it makes the Pokémon very strong.

Celadon City Gym +1

The Celadon City Gym features trainers specializing in Grass-type Pokémon,

making it easier to exploit their weaknesses in terms of type matchups.

VS. Gym Leader Erika

Erika's Pokémon Team

★ Jumpluff Level 41

★ Tangela Level 42

★ Victreebel Level 46

★ Bellossom Level 46

Tips for defeating Erika in battle:

You don't need to be overly cautious about which Pokémon you send out.

With Ho-Oh, Lugia, and Noctowl, you can easily defeat her.

Route 16:

Head through the Cycling Road and aim for Route 18 to the south.

There are quite a few trainers along the way,

so it's beneficial to level up your starter or legendary Pokémon.

Fuchsia City +1:

Upon arriving in Fuchsia City, you'll notice significant changes in the world of Pokémon Red and Green.

Once you arrive, it's a good idea to challenge the Gym Leader right away.


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)





-pokemon G.S.C