
pokemon G.S.C

Pokemon Gold and Silver Crystal game guide From Goldenrod Radio Tower to Ice Path


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥6,282 (2025/02/03 15:18:39時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)

After the battle with Pryce:

Following your victory against Gym Leader Pryce, you are tasked by Professor Elm to return to Goldenrod City.

Goldenrod City:

Head to the tower-like building located to the west of Goldenrod City, known as the Radio Tower.

Since Team Rocket occupies the tower, it surprisingly provides ample opportunities to train your Pokémon.

Radio Tower 5th Floor:

On the 5th floor of the Radio Tower, you'll engage in battle with a Team Rocket executive.

After winning the battle, you'll obtain the "Basement Key."

Underground Passage:

Once you ha ve the key, head east from the underground passage's tool shop, then use the "Basement Key" to unlock the door.

After using the key, you'll find a staircase leading underground. Na vigate through the underground passage, battling Team Rocket members and solving puzzles along the way.

Unlocking the Walls:

To open the walls, activate the switches in the order of 3, 2, 1. This sequence will allow you to progress further into the passage.

Conversation with the Director:

Once you rescue the Director located in the center of the map, speak with them. As a token of gratitude, they'll give you a Card Key.

Unlocking the Locked Door on the 3rd Floor:

Next, head to the 3rd floor of the Radio Tower and unlock the door. Proceed through the unlocked path to reach the staircase leading to the 5th floor.

Radio Tower 5th Floor: Part 2

Engage in battle with Team Rocket members and receive the Rainbow Wing from the Director on the 5th floor.

In Pokémon Gold: Rainbow Wing

In Pokémon Silver: Silver Wing

In Pokémon Crystal: Clear Bell

Ho-Oh, Lugia, and Suicune Differences:


It has a 4x weakness to Rock-type moves but is strong against Steel-types.
Due to the game mechanics at the time, Fire-type moves become special moves, making it effective against Pokémon like Skarmory and Forretress.


It has a well-rounded stat distribution with no wasted stats except for Attack and Special Attack.
It lacks a 4x weakness and gains increased defense when using "Double Team."
It excels at wearing down opponents with moves like "Toxic" and "Whirlpool."


Compared to Ho-Oh and Lugia, Suicune has lower base stats.
Its main strategy revolves around weakening opponents with moves like "Toxic" and "Mud-Slap."

44 Route

While engaging in battles with trainers to earn experience, head east towards the "Ice Path."

Ice Path

This location presents very unique challenges, testing the player's skills.

I'm referring to the number of attempts made using the game software as a reference.

The user may ha ve used the software to attempt the challenges multiple times.

I apologize if there are any mistakes.

Gold/Silver Version

How to Na vigate the Ice Path Floor: 1st Floor

1st Slip:

Right, Down, Right, Down, Right

2nd Slip:

Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right

Directions to Hidden Machine 07:

Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right

How to Na vigate the Ice Path Floor: Basement 2nd Floor

*Requires St rength to push rocks into four holes on Basement 1st Floor.
If you don't push four rocks, you can't proceed.

1st Slip:

From the stairs, go left one step, then down two steps, left, down, left, up, right, then descend the stairs.

How to Na vigate the Ice Path Floor: Basement 2nd Floor (without St rength)

1st Slip:

Start by sliding down from the right side.
Immediately climb the stairs to the left, then slide down at the next left staircase.

How to Na vigate the Ice Path Floor: Basement 1st Floor

1st Slip:

Down, Right, Up, Left, Up, Left, Down, Left, then proceed to the next set of stairs.

After na vigating through the ca ve, you'll arrive at Blackthorn City.

Crystal Version

The graphics of the Ice Path ha ve been improved in Crystal, altering the appearance of the ice and the puzzle layout compared to Gold and Silver.

Na vigating the Ice Path Floor: 1st Floor

1st Slide:

Right, Down, Right, Down, Right

2nd Slide:

Up, Left, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Right

Directions to Hidden Machine 07:

Right, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Right

Na vigating the Ice Path Floor: Basement 2nd Floor

*Requires St rength to push rocks into four holes on Basement 1st Floor. You must push four rocks to proceed.

1st Slide:

From the stairs, go left one step, then down two steps, left, down, left, up, right, then descend the stairs.

Na vigating the Ice Path Floor: Basement 2nd Floor (without St rength)

1st Slide:

Start sliding down from the right side. Immediately climb the stairs to the left, then slide down at the next left staircase.

Na vigating the Ice Path Floor: Basement 1st Floor

1st Slide:

Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Left

Then, climb the stairs and exit the ca ve to reach Blackthorn City.

Blackthorn City

Here, the final Gym Leader, Clair, awaits.

Clair specializes in Dragon-type Pokémon.

Since she's a tough opponent who can reduce the damage from starter-type moves and Electric-type moves, let's aim for victory with a strategic approach.

Stay tuned for the Gym Leader Clair segment.


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥6,282 (2025/02/03 15:18:39時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥5,880 (2025/02/03 15:54:30時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥1,650 (2025/02/03 15:57:04時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)





-pokemon G.S.C