
pokemon G.S.C

Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal game guide Progression from New Bark Town to Route 31.


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)

The Beginning of the Game:

Tutorial 1:

★ As soon as the game starts, choose the protagonist's name and gender.

※ Note that female protagonists can only be selected in Crystal, so be careful when playing Gold or Silver.

New Bark Town:

★ Enter the world of Pokémon and start the game from New Bark Town.

★ Go to the first floor and receive the Pokégear from your mom.

Points to Note:

Here, you can set the in-game date and time.

Since certain Pokémon evolve based on the time of day and the brightness of the map changes,

be careful when selecting the time.

Hidden Techniques Using Time:

It's generally advantageous to start the game at night.

You can catch Gastly right from the beginning at Sprout Tower,

so raising Gastly early on allows it to learn "Hypnosis," "Curse," and "Destiny Bond."

Gastly is also strong against Red's Snorlax and Venusaur, making it an excellent choice for catching Pokémon.

Try starting the game at night.

Elm pokemon labo


Here, you can choose one of the following three starter Pokémon:

Which one is recommended?

Each starter Pokémon has its own characteristics.


A Fire-type Pokémon introduced in Gold and Silver.

At that time, it doesn't learn Eruption, so its main Fire-type move has low power, and even when it learns Fire Blast, its accuracy is questionable.

It often struggles against Whitney's Miltank in gym battles.


With weaknesses only to Grass and Electric types, it lacks durability.

It learns Ice Punch on the 5th floor of the Goldenrod City Department Store, broadening its movepool. However, if its level isn't raised, it can easily be defeated.

It's generally a good idea to pair it with a Flying-type Pokémon.


A teamwork-oriented Pokémon whose allies contribute to its st rength.

It often faces type disadvantages against early gym leaders, relying more on Pokémon like Geodude and Noctowl.

It excels as a defensive Pokémon, using moves like Body Slam to inflict status conditions and strategies like continuously decreasing the opponent's HP with Poison Powder and Synthesis.

New Bark Town Continued:

After choosing your first Pokémon, head to Route 29 to the left on the map.

Route 29:

Various Pokémon can be found here.

In particular, Pidgey and Hoothoot appear frequently, with abilities that neutralize Ghost and Ground types in terms of type matchups.

It's a place you'll want to come back to for catching Pokémon once you're done with your tasks.

Cherrygrove City:

To the west of Route 29 lies Cherrygrove City, where there's a friendly shop. After finishing Professor Elm's errand, you can purchase Poké Balls here.

Upon arriving at Cherrygrove City, make sure to receive the Town Map from the helpful old man nearby.

Items a vailable at the friendly shop:

Poison Heal
Paralyze Heal
Sleep Heal
Poké Ball (*a vailable after the Professor's event)

Route 30:

Head north on the map to the Pokémon man's house, where you can obtain the Mystery Egg and the Pokédex.

There are many battles with trainers here, allowing Chikorita to gain experience points to learn "Razor Leaf."

Cherrygrove City Continued:

After finishing your business at the Pokémon man's house, on your way back to Route 29, you'll ha ve a battle with your rival.

Rival's Team:

Starter Pokémon at level 5.

Strategy against the Trainer:

The rival challenges the protagonist's Pokémon with type disadvantages but lacks moves to exploit weaknesses.

If any, it's only the starter's type-matching moves, which deal reduced damage.

Using "Tackle" or "Scratch" will deal more damage.

New Bark Town Continued:

Return to the Pokémon research lab and talk to the professor.

Here, you'll decide the name of the rival you battled in Cherrygrove City.

Upon lea ving the lab, you'll receive Poké Balls from the professor's assistant, allowing you to catch Pokémon.

Pokémon you might want to catch after obtaining Poké Balls:


A supporter of Normal and Flying types.

While its offensive power may not be significant, using Sand Attack once can lower the opponent's accuracy, occasionally allowing even Meganium to evade "Fire Blast."


A Pokémon that can only be caught at night.

The difference between Hoothoot and Pidgey lies in the number of evolutions and the variety of moves they learn.

In the early stages, there's a difference in the effectiveness of "Growl" and "Sand Attack," but Hoothoot learns "Hypnosis" at level 16.


By simply ha ving Geodude in your team, it can support Chikorita.

It's a Pokémon that is strong against Electric, Flying, Fire, Bug, and Poison types.

You can obtain it in the "Dark Ca ve" on Route 31.

Since it can evolve into Gra veler, which can then be traded for evolution, it's advisable to evolve it into Golem and use it whenever possible.

Continuing on to Violet City.


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)





-pokemon G.S.C