
pokemon G.S.C

Introduction to Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal game guide Events Changing by Weekdays and Timeframes


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥6,040 (2025/02/19 16:32:12時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)

Events Changing by Weekdays

In the world of Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, the Pokémon that appear and the items you can obtain vary depending on the weekdays and timeframes.

Saturday to Sunday

In the underground passage of Goldenrod City, the "Massage Shop" appears. Here, you can purchase healing items necessary to decrease Pokémon friendship levels.

Items a vailable at the Massage Shop include

★ Energy Powder
★ Energy Root
★ Heal Powder
★ Revival Herb

Move Machines Obtained by Decreasing Friendship Levels TM Frustration

TM21 is exclusively a vailable on Sundays. Speak to the NPC on the 5th floor of the Goldenrod Department Store to obtain "Frustration."

Usage of Frustration

The lower the friendship level, the higher the power of the move, up to a maximum of 102.

When used by Normal-type Pokémon, its power increases to 153.

It allows Pokémon like Tauros and Snorlax to unleash high-powered attacks with matching types.


The Tool Shop appears in the underground passage of Goldenrod City.

You can obtain items that can be sold in shops at low prices.

Items a vailable at the Tool Shop include

★ Nugget

★ Pearl

★ Big Pearl

★ Stardust

★ Star Piece

Weekdays: Tuesday to Sunday

A beauty salon appears, where you can increase the friendship level of Pokémon.

Things you can do as friendship level increases:

★ Pokémon like Chansey, Togepi, and Eevee evolve based on friendship level.

★ On Sundays, you can obtain TM27 on the 5th floor of the Goldenrod Department Store.

★ The power of Return increases, with a maximum power of 102.


You can receive "Magnet" from Sunny, one of the Seven Brothers, on Route 37.

When held by a Pokémon, it boosts the power of Electric-type moves.

Sunday to Wednesday

On the Aqua Ship,

You can board a ship from Olivine City to Vermilion City.

Monday to Friday

On the Aqua Ship,

You can board a ship from Vermilion City to Olivine City.


You can receive "Sharp Beak" from Monica, one of the Seven Brothers, on Route 40.

When held by a Pokémon, it boosts the power of Flying-type moves.

Monday to Wednesday

After winning a rival battle at Mt. Mortar,

You can battle your rival at Indigo Plateau.


A Jigglypuff event occurs at Mt. Moon.

You can obtain a "Moon Stone" necessary for the evolution of Pokémon like Jigglypuff and Clefairy.


You can receive a "Pink Bow" from Tuscany, one of the Seven Brothers, on Route 29.

It has the effect of boosting the power of Normal-type moves.

Tuesday to Thursday

If you engage in a rival battle at Mt. Moon,

You can encounter your rival at the Dragon's Den.


You can receive a "Black Belt" from Wesley, one of the Seven Brothers, at the Lake of Ra ge.

When held by a Pokémon, it boosts the power of Fighting-type moves.


You can receive a "Hard Stone" from Arthur, one of the Seven Brothers, on Route 36.

When held by a Rock-type Pokémon, it further increases the power of moves.


You can obtain Lapras on the 3rd basement floor of the Union Ca ve.

It is a rare Pokémon with high HP and Water/Ice types.


You can receive "Poison Barb" from Frieda, one of the Seven Brothers, on Route 32.

It is a mysterious item that boosts the power of Poison-type moves.


You can receive "Spell Tag" from Santos, one of the Seven Brothers, in Blackthorn City.

It's a battle item that enhances the power of "Shadow Ball."

Tuesday to Thursday, Saturday

A tournament is held at the "National Park."

Capture the strongest Bug-type Pokémon with 20 Park Balls to win the event.

The prize for winning is the "Sun Stone."

The evolution item "Sun Stone" obtained as a prize is a rare item used to evolve Sunflora, so it's recommended to obtain it for your Pokédex.

A great opportunity to obtain Scyther

Scyther is a Pokémon with many weaknesses but has excellent Attack and Speed stats.

Even without evolving into Scizor, it remains a formidable and mysterious Pokémon.


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥6,040 (2025/02/19 16:32:12時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥5,406 (2025/02/19 16:32:13時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥1,650 (2025/02/19 16:32:14時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)





-pokemon G.S.C