
pokemon G.S.C

"If you has them all, you're a pro trainer! Introducing rare Pokémon in Pokémon Gold and Silver. [Johto Edition]


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)

How many rare Pokémon ha ve you obtained?

In Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal,

there are Pokémon that can only be obtained once during your adventure, or ha ve extremely low encounter rates.

If you've managed to obtain any of the Pokémon listed below, even just one, in the game,

you might be a pro trainer."

"Cyndaquil, Totodile, Chikorita

Pokémon obtainable from Professor Elm in the early stages of the story.

The first three are necessary Pokémon to complete the Pokédex in Pokémon Gold and Silver,

so ha ving all three would be impressive.


Obtainable at the Pokémon Center after defeating the Gym Leader in Violet City.

Actually, it's a rare Pokémon with limited a vailability in the game.

You can't breed it until it evolves into Togetic,

so be sure to raise it carefully once obtained."


A Pokémon that can be obtained in the grassy areas of the Ruins of Alph.

It's a Pokémon that can effectively use almost all moves,

and it excels in battles as a technician, using moves like "Spore," "Baton Pass," "Substitute," and "Belly Drum."


A rare Pokémon that appears on Route 35.

It's difficult to obtain outside of mass outbreak events, and its encounter rate in the wild is low.

To complete your Pokédex, it's essential to obtain at least one of them.


If you water a tree on Route 36 with a SquirtBottle, Sudowoodo will appear as a wild Pokémon.

It's a rare Pokémon that doesn't evolve and belongs to the Rock type.

Once defeated, it becomes difficult to obtain, so it's wise to keep at least one Egg prepared.


A Pokémon that appears by using the move "Headbutt" on trees.

Its move "Megahorn," which matches its type, boasts a power of 120 and an accuracy of 85.

With its high attack power, it learns moves like "Endure," "Reversal," "Earthquake," and "Rock/Ghost-type Hidden Power,"

making it understandable why Flying types are its four times weakness.


Similar to Heracross, it appears when you use the move "Headbutt" on trees.

After evolving, Forretress has excellent resistance to Bug and Steel types,

with its only weakness being Fire type attacks.

It excels in battle strategies using "Spikes" and "Toxic,"

and instead of learning "Earthquake," you can teach it "Ground-type Hidden Power" via TM to exploit Fire types' weakness.


You can obtain Tyrogue by defeating the Karate King in Mt. Mortar.

Although there are three options for evolution - Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, and Hitmontop,

Tyrogue is the most challenging to obtain,

requiring its Attack and Defense stats to be equal at Level 20 to evolve into Hitmontop.

If you ha ve a Hitmontop, you might ha ve made a significant discovery.


Only appears in maps with waterfalls and water on the first floor of Mt. Mortar.

While it does appear in the wild, it has an extremely low encounter rate and is very difficult to obtain.

If you encounter even one in the wild, it's advisable to use a Master Ball and be prepared to use up all your Poké Balls to catch it.


Only appears in the "Dark Ca ve" area near Violet City.

It's a Normal type Pokémon that learns "Glare,"

and it excels in lowering the opponent's speed.


A Pokémon that appears in the wild on Route 38.

Its encounter rate is quite low, so many players use mass outbreaks to increase its appearance rate.

While its st rength may not match that of Pokémon like Ursaring and Snorlax,

its moves like "Return" and "Frustration," boosted by type matching, ha ve high power.


A Pokémon that only appears in Pokémon Gold on Route 41.

Among Water/Flying types, it is rare for its exceptional special defense.

It excels in using moves like "Icy Wind," "Surf," and "Rest" due to its high special resistance,

making it excellent at stopping special attackers in battles.


Exclusive to Pokémon Silver, it appears on Route 45.

Due to its metallic appearance and excellent battle resistance, it's quite popular.

Its appearance rate is significantly low, and the capture rate is also low,

so it's advisable to catch it using Ultra Balls while it's asleep.


A Pokémon that can rarely be encountered in Mt. Silver.

The reason for its low encounter rate is its evolution into Tyranitar, a member of the 600 species.

It boasts extremely high attack and defense stats, making it quite formidable even with special moves.

Many players at the time raised Larvitar to evolve it into Tyranitar.

It's likely that they raised it to levels 55, 80, and even 100, perhaps even against the E lite Four.

Misdrea vus

It appears only on the second floor of the Mt. Silver ca ve in a low probability.

Its appearance method is extremely unique, as it only appears at night,

and it's not uncommon for players to take three days or more to obtain it.

It excels in battle strategies using moves like "Perish Song" and "Mean Look,"

possessing the st rength to defeat the opponent's endurance Pokémon in three turns.

Entei and Raikou

These Pokémon can only be obtained through Roaming.

After the "Burned Tower" event, they appear in the wild,

boasting a relatively high level, around Level 40, in the mid-story.

Since the Roaming event includes the chance for a Shiny encounter,

it's advisable to write a report before triggering the event to ensure the possibility of encountering a Shiny.


In Pokémon Crystal, after obtaining Entei, Suicune, and Raikou,

if you go to Pewter City after becoming the Champion, you'll receive the "Rainbow Wing."

Due to its high level of difficulty to obtain, many players in Pokémon Gold and Silver obtained it,

and until Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Ho-Oh remained a rare Pokémon.


It only appears in Pokémon Crystal.

Shiny variants can also appear, but the encounter rate is extremely low, leading many trainers to carefully select Shiny variants.

In later generations, the method of obtaining Shiny Celebi was eased,

but currently, the only way to obtain Shiny Celebi is through Pokémon Crystal.


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)





-pokemon G.S.C