
pokemon G.S.C

Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal game guide From the Pokémon League to Champion Lance's Battle


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)

Pokémon League

The Pokémon League features mostly fully evolved Pokémon,

and their move sets are quite diverse.

Generally, ha ving Pokémon at Level 35 or higher should suffice, regardless of level differences.

Things to do before challenging the Pokémon League:

It's advisable to ha ve at least two digits of "Revives" and "Full Restores" for stability.

Many E lite Four members primarily use Pokémon with moves that alter stats,

so it's recommended to purchase items like X Speed from the Goldenrod Department Store.

To be continued in the Champion Lance battle section.

Let's raise and use Pokémon with high base stats.

In many cases, Pokémon can compensate for level differences with Effort Values (EVs) and base stats.

For your strategy, focus on using Pokémon with high base stats, such as legendary Pokémon, Eevee's evolutions, starters, Gyarados, and others.

This approach will greatly aid in your gameplay.

Pokémon League E lite Four Battle

E lite Four: Will's Team

★ Xatu Level 40

★ Exeggutor Level 41

★ Jynx Level 41

★ Slowbro Level 41

★ Xatu Level 42

Strategy Against Will

Unlike the previous game, Will employs Psychic-type Pokémon.

His party has many weaknesses, but it's difficult to defeat due to the variety of moves.

If you're not confident in your starter's level,

Using Pokémon like Jolteon or Raikou can make the battle relatively easy.

Pokémon League E lite Four Battle Part 2

E lite Four: Koga's Team

★ Ariados Level 40

★ Venomoth Level 41

★ Muk Level 42

★ Forretress Level 43

★ Crobat Level 44

Strategy Against Koga

Many of Koga's Pokémon increase their evasion, so it's crucial to defeat them quickly to a void trouble later on.

It's recommended to utilize Espeon, Ho-Oh, and Lugia here.

Gengar's "Curse" can effectively handle Pokémon like Forretress and Muk.

Pokémon League E lite Four Battle Part 3

E lite Four: Bruno's Team

★ Hitmontop Level 42

★ Hitmonlee Level 42

★ Hitmonchan Level 42

★ Onix Level 43

★ Machamp Level 46

Strategy Against Bruno

Despite using Psychic-type moves, his Pokémon often ha ve high Special Defense and can withstand hits.

Surprisingly, they may attempt to exploit Flying-type weaknesses, but their firepower isn't significant, and they can often be taken down with a move like "Fly."

Pokémon League E lite Four Battle Part 4

E lite Four: Karen's Team

★ Umbreon Level 42

★ Vileplume Level 42

★ Murkrow Level 44

★ Gengar Level 45

★ Houndoom Level 47

Strategy Against Karen

Karen is the Dark-type E lite Four member, and her team relies hea vily on status-changing moves.

Key Pokémon to Watch Out For: Umbreon

Karen's Umbreon boasts high endurance and can easily lower the accuracy of Fighting-type moves like "Dynamic Punch."

Since Umbreon has low speed,

moves like "Leech Seed" that gradually decrease its HP over turns are effective.

Key Pokémon to Watch Out For: Gengar

While battling with a starter Pokémon, it's easier to defeat Gengar by reducing its HP with other Pokémon.

As Gengar has high speed,

lowering its speed with moves like "Thunder Wa ve" can hinder its role effectively.

Pokémon League E lite Four Battle Part 5

E lite Four: Lance's Team

★ Gyarados Level 44

★ Aerodactyl Level 46

★ Charizard Level 46

★ Dragonite Level 47

★ Dragonite Level 47

★ Dragonite Level 50

Strategy Against Lance

Lance, fitting for an opponent in the Pokémon League, uses Pokémon of the 600 Base Stat Total.

Primarily specializes in Dragon-types, but conversely, has a focus on Flying-types.

The reason for Lance's overall high speed is due to the "Thunder Wa ve" from Dragonite Level 47 and Aerodactyl.

Key Pokémon to Watch Out For: Aerodactyl

Aerodactyl boasts high speed, often outpacing opponents even with level differences.

Despite its surprising lack of endurance, it's remarkably easy to defeat.

Utilize Pokémon like Feraligatr, Golem, Vaporeon, Suicune, etc., to endure attacks while exploiting its weaknesses with type-effective moves.

Key Pokémon to Watch Out For: Dragonite Level 47

While Dragonite Level 50 doesn't use "Thunder Wa ve," Level 47 Dragonite is incredibly powerful.

Despite its 4x weakness to Ice-type moves,

depending on the firepower, it can survive a non-STAB "Ice Punch" or "Aurora Beam" once.

Before challenging Lance, make sure to equip your Pokémon with items!

It's recommended to give your Pokémon a "PRZCureBerry" and then defeat Dragonite with Ice-type or Rock-type moves.

Importance of the "PRZCureBerry"

Even if your Pokémon is paralyzed by Dragonite's "Thunder Wa ve," the "PRZCureBerry" will restore its speed, allowing Pokémon like Feraligatr to use "Ice Punch" in two turns.

Continued in the Kanto Region section.


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)





-pokemon G.S.C