
pokemon G.S.C

Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal game guide Progression from Cinnabar Island to Mt. Silver's Red


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)

Cinnabar Island:

Heading south on Route 21 will take you to Cinnabar Island.

Unlike in the previous game,

due to volcanic activity, the land has changed, and gym battles take place on "Seafoam Islands."

Speak with Green.

Green, the former Champion of Red and Green,

now operates the Viridian Gym as the final Gym Leader in the Johto region.

To challenge the Viridian Gym, make sure to speak with Green first.

Route 20:

By tra veling east from Cinnabar Island, you can use "Surf" to reach Route 20.

Furthermore, in the Seafoam Islands to the east, you can battle another Gym Leader.

Seafoam Islands:

You'll be battling the former Gym Leader of Cinnabar Island.

The opponent specializes in Fire-type Pokémon,

so it's recommended to battle using Water-type or Rock-type Pokémon.

VS. Gym Leader:

Gym Leader's Team:

★ Magcargo Lv. 45

★ Magmar Lv. 45

★ Rapidash Lv. 50

Strategy for battling the Gym Leader:

Fire-type Pokémon are vulnerable to Water-type moves like "Surf" and "Waterfall."

In particular, using Gyarados caught with the Ra ge Lake Ra ge method can be effective,

especially in battles against Magcargo.

Viridian City:

After defeating the Gym Leader at Seafoam Islands,

head to Viridian City using moves like "Fly,"

and challenge the final Gym Leader, Green.

VS. Green

Green's Team:

★ Pidgeot Lv. 51

★ Alakazam Lv. 54

★ Rhydon Lv. 56

★ Gyarados Lv. 58

★ Arcanine Lv. 58

★ Exeggutor Lv. 58

Strategy for battling Green:

Unlike the Champion battle in the previous game,

Green doesn't typically use starter Pokémon or their evolutions,

resulting in a Gym Leader with a well-balanced team in terms of type matchups.

In many cases, Lugia shines here,

and there are many trainers who rely on Lugia to clear the Gym challenges consistently.

Believe in the st rength of the Pokémon you've raised on your journey.

By this point in your adventure, your starter Pokémon—Cyndaquil, Totodile, or Chikorita—should ha ve evolved into their final forms.

Your team of Pokémon has likely grown stronger throughout your journey,

with Pokémon like Snorlax and Lugia proving their worth in battles.

Route 22:

After defeating the Gym Leader in Viridian City,

head west towards Route 22.

Continuing west from the building on Route 22 will lead you to Mt. Silver.

You can access Mt. Silver once you've collected all eight badges in Kanto.

Route 28:

In the house on Route 28, you can receive TM47.

It contains the move "Steel Wing."

This move has decent power and a low chance to raise the user's Defense, making it a mysterious technique.

Mt. Silver:

At the Pokémon Center, you can heal your Pokémon and store Pokémon.

Consider bringing the following six Pokémon with you:

Pokémon to Bring to Mt. Silver:

★ Starter Pokémon from Gold and Silver

★ Snorlax

★ Ho-Oh, Lugia, Suicune

★ Ghost-type Pokémon, such as Gengar

★ Gra veler, Golem

★ Special moves like "Surf" and "Waterfall"

When you're ready, let's go to Mt. Silver.

At the depths of Mt. Silver awaits the strongest trainer, Red.

Red's Pokémon range from levels 73 to 81, which is extremely high.

Aim for an a vera ge level of around 55 when preparing your party.

55 is the minimum level for stability.

Considering the low level of your party, it's advisable to focus on raising their stats through effort values.

Mt. Silver:

Mt. Silver is home to many rare Pokémon.

On the first and third floors, you'll find Larvitar, which evolves into Tyranitar, a member of the 600 species.

On the second floor, you'll encounter the new Ghost-type Pokémon, Misdrea vus.

Misdrea vus is a valuable Pokémon that only appears at night.

Unlike Gengar and other Ghost-types,

Misdrea vus is a mysterious Pokémon that doesn't ha ve weaknesses to Psychic-type or Ground-type moves.

With tactics specializing in moves like "Perish Song" and "Mean Look,"

it's worth capturing if you get the chance.

Deep within Mt. Silver,

you'll ha ve the opportunity to battle the strongest trainer, Red.

VS. Red

Red's Team:

★ Pikachu Lv. 81

★ Espeon Lv. 73

★ Charizard Lv. 77

★ Blastoise Lv. 77

★ Venusaur Lv. 77

★ Snorlax Lv. 75

Strategy for battling Red:

Be cautious from the Pikachu battle onwards.

Since Red starts with Pikachu,

it's advisable to lead with Pokémon like Gra veler or Golem to minimize damage to your team.

Blastoise, Venusaur:

Blastoise and Venusaur employ tactics that capitalize on weather conditions to boost their firepower.

To mitigate the potential damage caused by weather moves,

use Pokémon with high Special Defense like Snorlax to lower "Paralysis," "Accuracy," and "Speed" for one turn before they employ weather moves.

This strategy helps prevent significant damage to your party due to weather conditions.

Charizard and Espeon:

They ha ve high firepower due to their type matching, making it difficult to weaken them with status conditions.

Using legendary Pokémon here is always the best option.

Ho-Oh, Lugia, Suicune, etc., ha ve a significant advantage in terms of type matchups,

so carefully reduce their HP with moves like "Fly" and "Recover."


Here, it's time for Ghost-type Pokémon like Gengar to shine.

Tactics involving moves like "Curse" and "Destiny Bond" to chip away at the opponent's HP are effective.

Since Ghost-type Pokémon like Gengar ha ve high speed, they can easily land status-changing moves on Snorlax.

If Ghost-type Pokémon like Gengar aren't a vailable, moves like "Leech Seed" and "Whirlpool," which reduce HP each turn, are useful against Snorlax.

Since Snorlax can counter "Toxic," try to defeat it by gradually reducing its HP with moves like "Leech Seed" and "Whirlpool."

Congratulations! You are now the champion of the Johto region!


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)





-pokemon G.S.C