

Introducing Recommended Pokémon for Teams Useful for Pokémon LEGENDS Z-A game guide


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥6,282 (2024/10/22 14:20:00時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)

The author has introduced recommended Pokémon that can be obtained in the Kalos region.

Please try building a tra vel team based on the Pokémon listed below.


The Fire-type starter Pokémon trio that can be obtained as the first one in Asame Town.

In XY, there are many Pokémon vulnerable to early attacks,

and it's easy for them to evolve into Braixen too quickly as their levels rise.

Once it evolves into Delphox, it learns "Mystical Fire" and transforms its appearance into that of a magician.


A hugely popular Pokémon known for its ability "Protean".

Mainly known for its high speed, Froakie and Frogadier ha ve a cool design,

making them the most chosen Water-type Pokémon among the Kalos starters.


The final evolution, Chesnaught, has a design resembling a guardian that suits a Western atmosphere.

Skilled in tactics involving high defense and attack, it uses "Spiky Shield" to defend itself while gradually reducing the opponent's HP with "Leech Seed".


Owner of the hidden ability "Gale Wings," which makes Flying-type moves priority.

As Fletchinder excels in physical attacks,

it tends to lose HP easily due to recoil from moves like "Bra ve Bird" and "Flare Blitz."

Interestingly, incorporating "Overheat" into its moveset makes it easier to handle Pokémon with lower special defense.


A resilient Pokémon with two combined types, Steel and Ghost.

After evolving into Aegislash, it can switch between two forms with "King's Shield."

It often leans towards special attacks rather than physical ones,

so including moves like "King's Shield" and "Shadow Sneak"

along with two out of "Shadow Ball," "Sacred Sword," "Flash Cannon," "Substitute," or "Swords Dance" in its moveset enhances its versatility.


With few types that resist Psychic, Psychic-type moves like Psychic are often easy to use in battles.

Proficient in status moves,

the male Meowstic's "Prankster" ability allows it to use moves like "Reflect" and "Light Screen" with priority.


A Pokémon of the pure Dragon type,

with weaknesses only to "Dragon," "Ice," and "Fairy" types.

Dragon-type Pokémon, being part of the original trio and designed to resist Pikachu's type-matched moves, are well-suited for many situations in the story, making Sliggoo and its evolution, Goodra, easy to use.


Charizard, after its final evolution, can use Mega Evolution.

X specializes in physical attacks while Y specializes in special attacks, and their ease of use varies depending on how the Mega Stone is used.

Surprisingly, it's handy to include "Fire Blast" in its move set during the story.


Alongside Charizard, Venusaur is a representative of Pokémon Green.

Upon Mega Evolving, it gains a boost in speed due to its hidden ability, "Chlorophyll," but in exchange, its defense and special defense increase, making it stronger against Fire and Ice types.


By Mega Evolving, its Special Attack stat becomes 170,

so even using Shadow Ball once often lea ves the opponent with less than half of their HP.

In the story, there's rarely an opportunity to use "Destiny Bond," so focus on using special moves as the main strategy.


Giving Pokémon the ability to act twice in a row, it's considered the strongest Pokémon that disrupts game balance.

With Mega Evolution in Pokémon LEGENDS, players are likely to develop an attachment to Mega Kangaskhan.

The player's move set, determining which moves to use twice, determines its st rength.


Mega Evolution improves the ease of use of physical and status moves.

With moves like "Stealth Rock," "Rock Blast," and "Rock Slide,"

paired with its high Attack stat and compatibility with Rock-type moves, it becomes easier to use.


With high resistances and only weak to Fire-type moves.

Upon Mega Evolution, both its Attack and Defense stats significantly increase,

and the damage dealt by "U-turn" is further enhanced.

It excels in moves like "Bullet Punch," "Bug Bite," and "Aerial Ace."


Mega Evolution increases its weaknesses, but it gains many types it can resist.

The move "Dragon Pulse" used by Ampharos becomes a type-matched move, dealing significant damage even to Grass and Ground types.


Mega Evolution is a vailable starting from Torchic distributed as an early purchase bonus in XY.

The ability "Speed Boost" pairs well with moves like "Substitute" and "Protect,"

allowing it to outspeed opponents even with level differences.


After its final evolution, Swampert becomes a Pokémon that doesn't ha ve weaknesses to Water, Ground, or Electric types.

Instead, it has a 4x weakness to Grass types. To counterbalance this, it's advisable to ha ve Fire-type or Flying-type Pokémon in your team.


Upon Mega Evolution, Sceptile becomes a Grass/Dragon-type Pokémon. Its high speed and ability to outspeed many opponents are its main attractions.

In Dragon-type battles, there are few opportunities to use moves like "Dragon Pulse" or "Dragon Claw," so it's common to capitalize on type resistances by using moves like "Leaf Storm" or "Rock Slide."

Gardevoir / Gallade

As the evolution line of Ralts, they belong to the Psychic type, with the added option to determine their secondary type.

For physical moves, Gallade benefits from the Fighting type.

For special moves, the Fairy type influences Gardevoir, and the player's choice of evolution determines their st rength.

With type-matched moves

Mega Gardevoir can use "Dazzling Gleam" and "Hyper Voice."

Mega Gallade can use "Close Combat" and "Sacred Sword."


After Mega Evolving, it becomes a Dragon/Fairy type.

Despite ha ving many resistances, its weakness lies in its lack of firepower without setup moves.

Let's use "Dragon Dance" to set up and then attack with "Outr age" or "Play Rough."


With low Speed, it excels in power battles due to its many resistances and the firepower of "Huge Power."

Once its Speed is raised, stopping the rampage of Mega Aggron becomes difficult.

Let's use "Trick Room" on a teammate and then attack with moves like "Iron Head" or "Play Rough."


It can Mega Evolve simultaneously with its final evolution, Shelgon.

Its ability "Aerilate" and high stats make it compatible,

often allowing it to defeat opponents in one turn even with moves like "Double-Edge."


Though difficult to train, Mega Evolution boosts its Speed,

making it easier to aim for the opponent's flinch status with "Iron Head."

It also pairs well with its ability "Tough Claws," excelling at defeating opponent Pokémon.


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥6,282 (2024/10/22 14:20:00時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥6,282 (2024/10/22 14:58:10時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥1,650 (2024/10/22 14:58:10時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)





-Pokemon LEGENDS