

Here's a list of recommended level 100 Pokémon that you might want to bring from Pokémon Bank to the latest game.


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥6,040 (2025/02/19 16:32:12時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)

We've compiled some Pokémon that would be beneficial to bring from Pokémon Bank to Pokémon HOME.

Feel free to use them as a reference.


A capture-friendly Pokémon that can be used semi-permanently in the future.

Now that it learns "False Swipe" in Sword/Shield, combined with "Sleep Powder," it can be used effectively as a capture-friendly Pokémon.

Moreover, teaching it "Energy Ball" with TM in future games will make it shine in battles without a doubt.

Charizard & Blastoise

Because I prefer Red and Green versions, the trio of starters, including Venusaur, are almost always selected.

Keeping them at level 100 will make them useful even after the move relearning process, as they can be used for E lite Four runs and for training purposes.

Pikachu & Raichu

Assuming they are level 100, even if move relearning occurs, ha ving access to "Thunderbolt" is invaluable.

Sending Pikachu to the next generation automatically grants it access to "Light Screen," making it an excellent supporter.


While there's a possibility it may not appear in the future, Meowth is a Pokémon worth raising, just in case.

Although it lacks firepower among Normal types, its ability "Pickup" makes item retrieval easier. By leveling all six to Lv100, they can be used as Pickup Pokémon.


A Pokémon with a high acceptance rate.

Golduck, in particular, has many usable moves for training purposes. It can be used as a training Pokémon with future move tutors.


An idol in the Pokémon world, excellent for capturing Pokémon due to its move "Yawn."

Using the move tutor to teach it "Trick Room," it excels at defeating many Pokémon within five turns.

Mewtwo & Mew

Similar to Venusaur, Blastoise, and Charizard, Mewtwo and Mew ha ve high acceptance rates.

While Mew can no longer learn all moves, its high HP and the move "Nasty Plot" allow it to defeat many Pokémon while boosting its stats.

Blaziken, Swampert, Sceptile

The Hoenn region starters often appear in new downloadable content for the games, and it's common for them to play significant roles as training Pokémon in future Pokémon series.

Gardevoir & Gallade

These Pokémon are all confirmed for the Pokémon series on the Switch.

Perhaps due to their popularity in appearance, they are frequently featured in various series, and both excel in battles utilizing "Hypnosis."


While its acceptance rate is low, Shroomish is a Pokémon that you might want to raise alongside Paras and Foongus.

Due to the effects of move relearning, it's often preferable not to evolve Shroomish. If you want to use "Mega Drain" or "Spore," raising Shroomish to level 100 allows you to use it as a capture Pokémon.


Another Pokémon that is commonly accepted, it's worth raising just in case.

With access to Ground-type moves like "Earthquake" and "Earth Power," it can easily dominate battles against trainers when raised to level 100.

Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza

These Pokémon also ha ve high acceptance rates and can immediately make an impact in battles.

They excel in boosting firepower through weather effects and defeating opponents with type-effective moves.


A Pokémon that has appeared in all current Switch series games.

Originally known for using special moves like "Aura Sphere" and "Flash Cannon," it has become associated with physical moves due to the popularity of moves like "Close Combat" and "Meteor Mash."


A Pokémon with a high likelihood of appearing in future series.

By changing forms, it can cover its team's weaknesses, allowing it to use high-powered moves even if move relearning occurs.


With a high acceptance rate in the series, it excels in battles as a Haxorus, using its high Attack stat and STAB move "Dragon Claw."

Even with the introduction of Fairy types, it can exploit weaknesses with moves like "Poison Jab," making it worth raising in the series as a precaution.


created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥6,040 (2025/02/19 16:32:12時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥5,406 (2025/02/19 16:32:13時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)
created by Rinker
スクウェア・エニックス(SQUARE ENIX)
¥1,650 (2025/02/19 16:32:14時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)





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